S2021-1 Week Five
Week five was a repeat of week four — no real progress on S2021-1. My computer and I spent most of our time rendering frames for the Phoenix Group video. I did some sketching and considering for S2021-1 on the flights over the weekend and the new plan is to create more of a precursor video to what I’d originally had in mind: a fully animated video focusing on the UI/FUI that will be in it. Maybe working in some of the test footage if it feels right. Cutting the filming phase will put this back on some sort of track. This project will finally get some priority and attention now that things are settling.
I passed my testing for 5th degree black belt over the weekend (ITF Taekwon-Do, Phoenix Group USA). It went pretty well. Several months of training paid off, but we almost didn’t make it because I wrecked the car on the way to the airport. Fortunately, it wasn’t super bad and no one was hurt, I [just] blew out the tires. Anyway, below are a couple videos of my breaks.
Blindfolded jump 180 side kick — 1 inch punch — Downward knifehand (self held) — Punch (self held)
Knee — Knifehand — Turn kick — Step-in side kick + punch — Jump 180 reverse turn kick