S2021-1 Week Three
Nothing to show here. Week 3 (and likely going to be 4) have blown up - in good ways and bad. Bad because this project has been backburnered and wasn’t touched last week, though it’s still constantly on my mind. And good because it’s been overtaken by other positive things: I’m in the final 2 week stretch of training for testing for my 5th degree black belt testing, finishing up a 3D spot (my first ever fully 3D spot) as part of the testing, studying flash cards (for part of the testing) while I eat, and another project popped up that I can’t quite talk about yet.
I’m furiously writing this with a busted/wrapped hand (from training for the testing) while waiting on a render of that 3D spot to be able to finish going through voice overs for it. This first short, S2021-1, may end up changing form from it’s original. At this point I’ve run through both shooting weeks. I might scrap some of it and fall back on just creating something from what I know. Which could be good practice anyway.
Enough thinking out loud. That render’s done. Gotta push through; there’s really no other choice, and it’ll all be behind me soon enough.
Boxing wraps work when you can’t find your compression wraps