S2021-1 Week One
S2021-1 (Short 2021, first one) production schedule
At the beginning of 2021, just like everyone else, I made a list of goals. Part of those goals are to create 5 short videos, partly to fulfill some personal goals and partly to push some career goals. I purposely choose to start them later in the year, 1) to get some other things out of the way, and 2) to have some year-long goals that kick in later and remind me to stick to my other year-long goals. Like a lot of people (maybe not as much after 2020), I’ve been in a spot where I’m itching to make something of my own. So here we go.
The schedule is broken out into phases: planning/concepting, production and post production. I always work better with a concrete schedule in hand. I know when things are supposed to hit to be on track and how far along it should be — it’s helpful even if the project falls off the rails later.
Last Monday kicked off the entire project for 2021. This was week one of the first short: concepting, sketching and scheduling. Each short will be divided into 6-8 week sprints, going through all phases of production/post-production. Additionally, I’m writing a blog post as a way to track/journal my progress. And I plan on sharing any neat or useful visual or coding tidbits I come up with in these posts.
I spent the first day working on an idea and direction that I like. Sometimes an idea comes together pretty quickly, other times it takes a lot of refinement. This was a quick-forming one and I’m happy so far with how it’s going. The concepting phase of projects is always pretty easy for me: I’ve usually got plenty of ideas banging around in my head, I’m good at scheduling, and I enjoy writing. I know the difficult part, for me, can be pumping out the work — the slog of it can get me down about a project. Just have to work through it, which is a big part of why I set out to do these. If I can prove to myself that I can get through 5 projects on my own, I’ll be a lot more confident in my ability to work through the entire production pipeline. Not to mention sharpen and pick up some skills along the way.